Formula Podcast
Formula Podcast
S03EP44 – Exclusive chat with Robert Kubica
Without the slightest doubt, Robert Kubica is a truly unique and really special character of the world motorsport – he is the guest of the first English language episode of Formula Podcast.
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Robert’s way in the world of motorsport is well documented. The young man from Krakow had a strong interest, a strong passion, and of course a huge talent for karting, so he moved to Italy at a young age to try to make it to the top. Despite the fact that his situation was not always easy, his determination and courage helped him in making his package work. He was a top gun in karting and he was able to beat guys like Lewis Hamilton, Nico Rosberg, and many other big names on a regular basis. Later on he was very good in the junior car racing series so Renault signed him for their Driver Academy and he won the title of the Formula Renault 3.5 championship. The results speak for themselves, and those results paved the way for him to enter Formula One. The rest is history…
When I invited him to join me, I told him that I want to show Robert Kubica, the person, the individual behind the helmet's visor, rather than discussing races, results, cars, or technical details. I was sure that he had many untold stories and "never-heard-before" details and I'm glad to say that I was correct: Robert - as always - was kind enough to share so much with us!
Ladies and gentleman, Robert Kubica, like you never heard him before!
Made by:
Sandor Meszaros
A Formula Podcast az Autósport és Formula Magazin és a Formula.hu Forma-1 témájú podcastje, amely 2020 márciusa óta heti egy vagy több adásban dolgozza fel az F1 színfalak előtti és mögötti történéseit. A produkció állandó stábját Gellérfi Gergő motorsport-szakíró és Mészáros Sándor, az egyetlen állandó Formula-1 akkreditációval rendelkező hazai újságíró alkotja. A műsorban olyan sztárvendégek szólaltak meg, mint a Formula–1 több világbajnoka, így Nelson Piquet és Jacques Villeneuve, a száguldó cirkusz több aktív versenyzője, a sportág vezetői, köztük Ross Brawn, vagy épp az AC/DC énekese, Brian Johnson. #f1 #forma1 #formula1 #motorsport #autósport